We welcome all players and the focus is to build confidence within the game of netball, to build friendships and to have fun.
The Junior and Mini Section is managed and coached by level two coaches, quali...
We welcome all players and the focus is to build confidence within the game of netball, to build friendships and to have fun.
The Junior and Mini Section is managed and coached by level two coaches, qualified umpires and first aiders. They all have a great interest in developing the playing potential of young netballers and do so with great enthusiasm. We welcome all players and the focus is to build confidence within the game of netball, to build friendships and to have fun.
Hillcrest Junior Section (for yr7-yr 9 children) trains on Monday evenings from 6.00 pm – 7.30pm from September through to the end of May.
Hillcrest Mini Section (yr5-yr6 children) trains on alternate Sundays from 10:00am- 11:30am from September through to the end of May.
Players interested in joining Hillcrest Netball Club Junior Section should complete our Enquiry form.
Junior and Mini's Enquiry Form
Click this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1U6fF_G-uUHaUR2ZyBWHQqLFUXOa5Ul7Q_Aa0YGDs3MQ/viewform?ts=60476598&gxids=7628&edit_requested=true
(If the form link does not work for you, please go to the Information section on our Website and download the form, you can then email it to the contacts listed).
Or if you prefer, send an email to:
Kate Jackson (Membership) katyf@hotmail.com or
Debbie Grainger (Lead Junior Coach) Jazzshoes10@gmail.com
Players interested in joining Hillcrest Netball Club Mini Section should complete Players interested in joining Hillcrest Netball Club Junior Section should complete the this form
Junior and Mini's Enquiry Form
Click this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1U6fF_G-uUHaUR2ZyBWHQqLFUXOa5Ul7Q_Aa0YGDs3MQ/viewform?ts=60476598&gxids=7628&edit_requested=true
(If the form link does not work for you, please go to the Information section on our Website and download the form, you can then email it to the contacts listed).
If you prefer, send an email to:
Kate Jackson (Membership)(- katyfj@hotmail.com or
Althea Allen (Lead Mini coach)- althea.allen@aol.co.uk
Note, you will be unable to attend training or play in any league matches until you are affiliated
and all forms have been received.