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Jack Petchey 9 of 11

9. Awards Cermonies

December 2015

On Tuesday 8th December award winner Sarah Heard-White and Jack Petchey Coordinator Laura Hogan attended the 2014/15 Regional clubs awards ceremony in Wandsworth.

The awards ceremony allows Jack Petchey winners to be congratulated and recognised for their achievements and receive a gold medallion. For those that didn't attend I have collected yours and are now at the club to be handed out. Junior winners please speak to Clare Nicholls. Senior winners please come and find me at training.

The winners for this period were:
Sarah Heard-White: money went to pay for an England player at the annual Hillcrest Summer Camp
Sophie Denton: money went towards the second supporter bench
Brooke Mattey: money went towards the second supporter bench
Georgie Blunt: money was spent on crazy catches
Georgie Mattey: money was spent on new match balls and fun coloured training bibs
Lucia Barton: money spent on grey agility boxes

And Anna Harris won the Leader Award and was presented with her certificate and medallion on Saturday.


June 2017

Winners at Hillcrest's End of Season Awards Night
Marnie Eakins, Georgia Burr, Isobel Ross, Charlie Wicking, Rosie Gray and Laura Cross (Jack Petchey Rep)